Thursday, June 25, 2015

Coming Up With A Writing Schedule

So I've told myself time and time again that I will eventually get this scheduled writing thing done at least once a week.  Even went so far as marking it on the calender what I'll write, when.  This is why blogs are good.  You don't have to commit to writing an entire chapter or ten pages every week, but every post can be different with varied lengths.  Blogs are good for people with a demanding work schedule or other things.

I've also learned that writing a free flowing article like this with whatever pops into my mind at any given moment helps spark ideas for writing.  That's always a plus!  I think writing free flow like this is also helping me with my writers voice as well, allowing me to learn to be comfortable letting go and writing like I talk.

Back to the topic though, when it comes to a writing schedule it's a little unrealistic to force yourself to write every day.  I've read articles and such that say writing every day is what needs to be done, but I've found that having a good weekly writing session is a lot less stressful.  I guess it could be done, writing every day, but I know a lot of you writers out there have real jobs that you have to work to make real money.  We all know the writing career can take lots of time before it can make make any mula.

Anyways, look at me, I sound old, babbling off topic not even remembering where I first started the conversation. 

Oh yeah!  Scheduling.   Well, I guess that's pretty much it.  So the most important thing is that you HAVE A SCHEDULE.  Whether once a day,  three times a week, or once.  And it doesn't have to always be writing your novel.  You could babble on like I've been doing here on this blog, or, instead, you could skip this whole writing thing and go eat a large box of little cesars pizza all by yourself. 

But where's the fun in that?



  1. I need a writing schedule. It's so hit and miss lately. Not sure what would work for me. Love that you are blogging, by the way. It's good to hear your writer's voice!

    1. Thanks for commenting! Makes me feel like i actually accomplished something. Decerning from your comment it sounds like i know u personally but i cant see your picture. Without sounding like a compete idiot, can i ask who this is?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
