Monday, September 7, 2015

Character Ingredients Part II


Now apparently there are six virtues and their character strengths that is very important for a healthy adult.  The traits can be incorporated with many personality types:

Wisdom and Knowledge-  Traits of character: creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness, love of learning, and perspective.
Courage-  Bravery, persistence, integrity, and vitality
Humanity-  Love, kindness, and social intelligence
Justice-  Citizenship, fairness, and leadership
Transcendence-  forgiveness, humility, prudence, and self-regulation
Temperance- Appreciation of beauty and excellence, gratitude, hope, humor, and spirituality

How does your character perceive the world?  Is it primarily through hearing, seeing, smelling, touching, or tasting? This will be the primary means by which your character's descriptive detail is written.  Of course, every character uses several different senses for perceiving, by everyone has at least a dominate one.

Learning:  (How character gathers new information about the world around them via sensory, visual, kinesthetic, or auditory)
How does your character gather new information about the world around them?  Is it primarily through sensory, visual, kinesthetic, or auditory means?  This will be the primary means by which your character's descriptive detail is written.  Of course, every character also uses several different means by which they learn new information, but each character needs to have a primary way.

Sensory: Character sees a new piece of furniture.  She notices how soft or hard it feels when she sits down.
Visual: Character sees a new piece of furniture.  She notices how beautiful or ugly it looks based on stitch patterns or dust.
Kinesthetic: Character sees a new piece of furniture.  She notices how it's in the wrong place and wants to move it to a different spot of the house.
Auditory:  Character sees a new piece of furniture.  She notices how much the springs squeak with she sits on it.

To Be Contintued:  Look for next blog page Character Ingredients Part III

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