Thursday, June 18, 2015

 A letter to Arcadia Page.

Okay.  So you got me Arcadia Page.  You're the one who got me to start writing my own blogs.  Especially after reading your post about being shy and weird I realized that this thing may help me move along my writing career.  I've always been inspired by you Arcadia.  Ever since you used to teach me at ten years old how to draw those manga girls.  I was always in awe at your skills.  And then that one time you let me read a novel you wrote called Omni Girl.  Yup, I've never forgotten that.  I remember reading through the entire thing and not being able to put it down.  Whether you realize it or not, you're my role model and I hope one day I'll be able to reach your skill in writing

I may not talk to you much anymore.  Heck, if you ever even read this you'll probably think I'm some weirdo.  But guess what?  All writers take risks and I guess this'll be my first. 



  1. Congratulations on starting your own blog! And thank you. But my husband inspired me to start my own blog, so if it wasn't for him... ^_^ I can't wait to read your blog posts. Honestly, sometimes it gets hard to post regularly, so make sure you continue to have fun with it regardless of the number of readers. I've been writing posts for over three years now, and it's still my favorite way to share online. And from a writing point of view, blogging is very good writing practice. Can't wait to see what you'll share in the future. No pressure! :)

    1. Sweet! Thanks for your comment Arcadia. It means a lot to me. That's pretty much the only reason for my blog is to get some writing practice in, all the while sharing my findings with all who care to read it.

  2. Reading Omni Girl was the turning point where I began falling in love with Arcadia. That's no joke. ^_^

    Hope things go well for you and your writing.

  3. Wow, I just now figured out who u are. That took awhile . . .
